On the Road in New Vegas Funny
Fallout New Vegas is well-loved by Fallout fans. Many argue that it is actually the best game in the series due to its many factions, an interesting setting, true roleplaying choices, and of course, its humor. The courier is just one character, but they serve some of the franchise's most hilarious lines. This is especially true for failed skill checks (most of all, the intelligence checks).
While New Vegas may be old compared to Fallout 4, these lines are still well remembered by fans. Today, we're picking over ten of the funniest dialogue options players can be presented with.
10 "What's A Chicago?"
ED-E is a little robot companion that is quite cute. It talks to the courier through radio, beeping, and recordings. In one recording, "Chicago" is mentioned.
Hilariously, the courier can then ask ED-E "What's a Chicago?" It is the post-apocalypse, so it makes sense that the courier may have never heard of it.
9 "Whatever. Joshua, Put A Cap In General Gobbledigook Here."
This can be said to one of the most beloved DLC characters in the game, a man by the name of Joshua Graham. Not many players get this option though, as it's only available to them if they have the perk "Sneering Imperialist."
This options pops up at is at the end of the DLC's storyline, when Salt-Upon-Wounds begs the courier to calm Joshua down.
8 "But The Girl Is Sick. With Classic Symptoms Of, Uh... Vagina Dentata?"
This is a wonderful example of a failed skill check. You may have failed, but at least it was hilarious.
The Courier can say this line to a Canyon Runner in order to convince them to sell slaves at a lower price. In response, the Canyon Runner says, "I think my Latin is better than yours. I inspect all the captives myself, and there was no 'dentata.'"
7 "Come On, You're My Brain And I'm Your Body. This Is Meant To Be, Baby!"
This line can occur in Old World Blues. In that DLC, you get to meet your own brain. Yes, a bit hard to believe, but it happens.
If you have the perk Cherchez La Femme or Confirmed Bachelor, then you can flirt with your own brain. The brain responds with "Are you... Are you coming on to me?! Sweet lord, I don't even have the words for how repugnantly wrong that is!"
6 "Raise Your Price Or... Or... You'll Be 'Chip Outta Luck.'"
This line is another failed skill check. In a conversation with Mr. House, the Courier can attempt to convince him to pay them more money for their work. This lame little joke does not amuse him.
He replies with "Is that an attempt at... humor?"
5 "I Sort Of Tasted Human Flesh Once. Mmm Mmm Good. Tell Me All Your Secrets."
This failed skill check can be said while investigating the White Glove Society within Vegas. Cannibals often come up in some form or another in Fallout games, but all of them are, understandably, pretty secretive.
This hilarious line is a little less than subtle, given that it can be uttered while trying to get them to fess up to kidnapping and eating people.
4 (Responding To "I sell implants") "You Sell Plants?"
At the New Vegas Clinic, you can meet Doctor Usanagi. She introduces herself and states that she sells implants. Having never heard of implants, the courier can reply with "You sell plants, too?"
Bonus points if you have low intelligence, as the doctor will give the courier a discount for any implants that can make them smarter.
3 "I'm Taking This Basket Of Cakes To My Grandmother's House."
The Courier can say this to the NCR soldiers guarding the approach to Esteban Morales' body. They ask what you are doing, at which point the Courier can deliver this humorous line.
This is not a failed skill check, nor is it unlocked from a certain perk or trait. It is just the Courier being a general troll.
2 "I'm A Ghost, Here To Haunt You. Oooooh..."
The Courier can have some fun with the fact that some thugs thought they killed them. One such instance is when meeting up with Jessup in Boulder City.
A number of funny lines can be used in response to his disbelief. He says something along the lines of "you're supposed to be dead." You can pretend to be a ghost or pick the line "I got better." Either one's a winner.
1 "No, ED-E, I Don't Want To Hear Your Recordings Of 'Human Mating Calls.' That's just... Wrong."
The Lonesome Road DLC is mostly pretty serious in terms of tone. However, there are some hidden gems like this one. It's in a conversation between the Courier and ED-E.
The conversation starts with the courier saying "Do you record everything that's said around you?" to which ED-E beeps back slyly. The Courier can then say "Really? Well, I'd better be careful what I say to you, huh?" Then the robot makes some reassuring beeps. At this point the courier can make the line about human mating calls.
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/fallout-new-vegas-funniest-dialogue-choices/