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Ch 5 English Class 10 Ncert Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 The Hundred Dresses – I in Hindi Medium (Hindi Translation) along with Summery in Hindi and English of Lesson updated for new academic year 2021-2022.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5

  • 10th English Chapter 5 Question Answers

    • 10th English Chapter 5: The Hundred Dresses – I
    • 10th English Summery of Chapter 5 in Hindi and English
    • Class 10 English Chapter 5 MCQ
    • Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Hindi Translation
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Class: 10
Subject: English – First Flight
Chapter 5: The Hundred Dresses – I

10th English First Flight Chapter 5 Question – Answers

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5: The Hundred Dresses – I is given here with all questions answers, working with the text, reading, oral comprehension check, etc. free to download. Visit to Class 10 English main page to view the answers of other chapters.

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Passages for Comprehension

But nobody, not even Peggy and Madeline, the girls who started all the fun, noticed her absence. Usually Wanda sat in the seat next to the last seat in the last row in Room Thirteen. She sat in the corner of the room where the rough boys who did not make good marks sat, the corner of the room where there was most scuffling of feet, most roars of laughter when anything funny was said, and most mud and dirt on the floor.
1. What did Peggy and Madeline not notice?
2. What kind of boys sat there in the corner?
3. Which word in the passage means the same as 'noisy dragging movements'?

Wanda did not sit there because she was rough and noisy. On the contrary, she was very quiet and rarely said anything at all. And nobody had ever heard her laugh out loud. Sometimes she twisted her mouth into a crooked sort of smile, but that was all. Nobody knew exactly why Wanda sat in that seat, unless it was because she came all the way from Boggins Heights and her feet were usually caked with dry mud. But no one really thought much about Wanda Petronski, once she sat in the corner of the room.
1. Where did Wanda sit?
2. What type of girl was she?
3. Find a word from the passage which means same as 'strangely'.

The minute they entered the classroom, they stopped short and gasped. There were drawings all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill, dazzling colours and brilliant, lavish designs, all drawn on great sheets of wrapping paper. There must have been a hundred of them, all lined up. These must be the drawings for the contest. They were! Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiringly.
1. Who entered the classroom?
2. What was there all over the room?
3. Find a word in the passage which means same as 'grand'.

Suggested Answers of Passages

Comprehension Passage I – Answers
1. Peggy and Madeline did not notice Wanda's absence.
2. In the corner, there sat the rough boys.
3. Scuffling.

Comprehension Passage II – Answers
1. Wanda sat in the corner of the room.
2. She was too quiet to say anything to others.
3. Unusually.

Comprehension Passage III – Answers
1. Maddie and Peggy entered the classroom.
2. There were decent and dazzling drawings all over the room.
3. Lavish.

Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 – Important Questions

Where in the classroom does Wanda sit and why?

Wanda usually sat in the seat next to the last seat, in the last row, in Room Thirteen. Nobody actually knew why she sat there unless it was because her feet were normally caked with dry mud and very dirty as she came all the way from Boggins Heights. Avoiding being laughed at by her classmates was a task that is why she sat there to hide her dirty feet. No one really thought about Wanda once she sat in the corner of that room.

Where does Wanda live? What kind of a place do you think it is?

Wanda used to coma all the way Boggins Heights which might be her residence. It seems that it was a place far away from the school and also, where there was a lot of dry mud.

When and why do Peggy and Maddie notice Wanda's absence?

Nobody noticed Wanda's absence from school. Peggie and Maddie noticed Wanda's absence after three days when they didn't track the whole lot of mud .The reason they notice her absence was because they waited for her for a long time and made them late for school. Peggie and Maddie wanted to have some fun with her but she didn't turn up.

What do you think "to have fun with her" means?

Wanda was a quiet and shy girl. She was afraid that other would make fun of her mud caked feet. The girls used to make fun of her. This gave them a lot of pleasure. They wanted to have fun with her.

In what way was Wanda different from the other children?

Wanda was all alone as she did not have any friends. She came to school alone and went home alone. She was different from other children. She always wore a faded blue dress that did not fit her properly. Her dress looked clean but was never ironed properly. She did not talk to anybody.

Did Wanda have a hundred dresses? Why do you think she said she did?

No, Wanda did not have a hundred dresses because she was poor. She wore the same faded blue dress to school every day. It looked clean but was never ironed properly. She always said that she had a hundred dresses to hide her inferiority complex and impress other girls so that they did not make fun of her again.

Why is Maddie embarrassed by the questions Peggy asks Wanda? Is she also like Wanda, or is she different?

Maddie was embarrassed by the questions Peggy asked Wanda because she was poor herself. She usually wore old clothes, which were handed down to her by someone else. She did not feel sorry for Wanda but worried that later, everyone would start teasing her too. She thought she was different from Wanda in the sense that she would never claimed that she had a hundred dresses and did not live in Boggins Heights. She was not as poor as Wanda. Yet she was afraid that the others might mock her too.

Why didn't Maddie ask Peggie to stop teasing Wanda? What was she afraid of?

Maddie was herself did not belong to a rich background. She couldn't ask Peggie to stop teasing Wanda because Peggie was her best friend and she had faith in Peggie that she would never do anything wrong. Peggie never insulted anyone and never did anything that would hurt one's feeling. Maddie was afraid of being laughed at for her poor dresses.

Who did Maddie think would win the drawing contest? Why?

Maddie thought that Peggy would win the drawing contest. Because Peggy drew better than anyone else. She could copy a picture in a magazine, or some film star's face so well that one could tell who it was.

Who won the drawing contest? What had the winner drawn?

It was Wanda, who won the drawing competition. When the students entered the classroom it was full of sketches of dresses. There were hundreds of dresses on the walls of the room. All the students wanted to know who made them. Wanda was appreciated by the judges and applauded by her fellow classmates.

How is Wanda seen as different by the other girls? How do they treat her?

Wanda was poor and lonely girl. She was seen differently by the other girls. Girls used to tease her by commenting on her dress. Wanda used to sit in the corner to avoid being laughed at because her feet were covered in dry mud.

How does Wanda feel about the dresses game? Why does she say that she has a hundred dresses?

Wanda did not show any feelings regarding the dresses game. She did not have hundred dresses in her closet. She could not afford new dresses as her family was poor. This could be one of the reasons why her family left the place and moved to the city. Wanda was a girl who was very poor. She lived in Boggins Heights which was far away. Her feet were dirty as she walked down to school. She wanted attention of her friends. So, she felt very happy whenever she told her friend that she had hundred dresses without realising that they were making fun of her.

Why does Maddie stand by and not do anything? How is she different from Peggy? (Was Peggy's friendship important to Maddie? Why?

Maddie always stood by and never did anything as she was afraid that if she did, she would be the next target of the children. She herself was poor and therefore, felt that if she spoke against the others, they would target her next. Unlike her, Peggy was a rich girl. This was also the reason why Maddie could think from Wanda's point of view, but Peggy could not. Maddie was Peggy's best friend. It seemed as if she was in awe of Peggy. She admired her quite a lot as she said that Peggy was the most liked girl in the room and that she drew better than anyone else. She did not have the courage to go against her.

What does Miss Mason think of Wanda's drawings? What do the children think of them? How do you know?

Miss Mason appreciated the paintings of Wanda. She was impressed at the creativity of the girl because she had painted hundred paintings which were in wide range of variety. The children also admired the drawings. Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiringly. After Miss Mason had announced that Wanda was the winner, they burst into applause, and even the boys were glad to have a chance to stamp on the floor and whistle. Also, just as Peggy and Maddie entered the room, they stopped short and gasped. Later they recognized the designs as those which Wanda had described to them. And in the end, Peggy exclaimed, "…and I thought I could draw." This shows that she also realized how good Wanda's drawings were.

What do you get about Wanda Petonski after reading the story in unit 5 from class 10th first flight?

I think the story tells us about Wanda Petronski that she is an incredibly talented girl who is not that financially good but good from the heart because of that she couldn't afford to get new dresses now and then. She's been teased in her class but never spoke in a rude way.

What was the teaching we got in the story of unit 5 from the 10th Standard English book?

I think the main teaching is to never judge a person without knowing about them. There could be several reasons one behaves differently for such reasons we shouldn't make fun of people.

What was the part did you like the most in the story unit 5 from the First fly book of class 10th?

The moment when Miss Mason announced the winner to the class and Wanda's sketches pasted to the walls was the moment I liked the most.

Class 10 English Chapter 5 Summary in Hindi

Ch 5 English Class 10 Ncert Solutions
